
Wagamama high spec oc download steam
Wagamama high spec oc download steam

wagamama high spec oc download steam

Still, the game moves at a relatively quick pace and most players should be able to go through each of the four heroine endings in about 15 to 25 hours. Overall, however, the writing is at best chuckle-worthy at times and rarely laugh out loud funny. Ashe, despite her small stature, is a gourmand with insatiable appetite. For example, Mihiro for some reason has the ability to attract and speak to all manner of animal. Yes, there are some super amusing character traits. Or maybe the script was never outlandishly hilarious to begin with. Perhaps some things were lost in translation. Despite being touted as a comedy title, it’s honestly not all that funny. So that leaves WAGAMAMA HIGH SPEC to survive off the comedy of its hijinks and how interesting its characters are. The story plods along with this neat setup, but doesn’t actually make as much use of the “secret manga author” angle because all key characters know about it already. Given her unwavering love for Kaoruko, she can’t help but view Kouki as an annoying boy getting in her way. Soon enough, Kouki gets caught up in student council antics despite the begrudging acceptance of the other member, Ashe. Thanks to this chance revelation Kaoruko invites Kouki to join the student council – and he accepts. She also happens to be the (up until now) secret illustrator for Kouki’s manga. Kaoruko isn’t just the beloved student council president, however. In the most dramatic turn of events possible, the student council president picks it up. Everything changes the moment that Kouki accidentally loses his script book at school one day.

wagamama high spec oc download steam

Mihiro, Toa’s best friend, also knows about the whole manga thing. Most of the time, she’s locked up in her room on the computer or gaming and doesn’t care about much else. His writing work often goes into erotic territory, so he’s terrified of anyone at school finding out about his current career. As it turns out, he’s actually engaged in real world work as a manga writer for a weekly publication. Players jump into the shoes of Kouki, a high schooler with more on his plate than simply getting good grades. WAGAMAMA HIGH SPEC attempts to tweak the formula by offering up a more intriguing protagonist than most. Not only are there tons from Japanese developers, but there are also a surprising amount coming from Western studios. This is especially the case when it comes to slice of life tales set in Japanese high schools. With so many visual novels to choose from these days, it can be tremendously difficult for any single title to stand out.

Wagamama high spec oc download steam